Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello, Estrogen My Old Friend

I have a longer posting in my head, but haven’t quite gotten all of it together. However, I want to give an update. We started going in for monitoring appointments on Tuesday, and they seem to be going OK. I am continuing to have about 14-16 follicles. We are seeing growth of about 1 to 2 mm per day, which is on track. Right now my largest is at 14.4 mm and the smallest is about 6.6mm. Once we get at least two follicles to 18mm, we will be ready to give the final hcG shot to do the egg retrieval. They are projecting a Wednesday retrieval. Because it is the weekend I saw a different doctor this morning, and I don’t like her as much as my doctor. She is knowledgeable and nice enough, but she didn’t have the same compassion and empathy as Dr. NiceGuy. I was a bit worried because I had expected to be a bit further along today, and her answer was you are very average and should be OK, and then smoothed it over by telling me that in medicine average is good. I guess . . Hopefully, my average ovaries produce average follicles that will be put with average sperm and become an average embryo that will be implanted into my average uterus and become an average baby. I guess. . .

On another note, my old crazy friend, Estrogen, has come back and I am a bit on the edgy side. My estrogen level one week ago was 33. Now it is over 1100. In other words don't f*** with me right now. It has been a bit of a rough day, but Greg and I have come to a truce and he is being great. Some neighbors had us over for dinner, and it was great to get away and my mind off things for a bit. Now, we are back home enjoying handing out candy to the trick or treaters. Happy Halloween!

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