Thursday, March 18, 2010

Scooby and Scrappy

I hope everyone is doing well out in the Internet world. Yesterday we went in for another ultrasound. We saw TWO heartbeats yesterday. We have decided to call them Scooby (Twin A) and Scrappy(Twin B) for now. One it seems appropriate given the situation and also I used Scooby and Scrappy band aids for shots. Scooby is measuring about a day ahead (7w4d) and had a heartbeat of 159. On the other hand, Scrappy is measuring about 5 days behind and has a heartbeat of 113 (which I think is pretty good for 6w5d). So, it appears that Scrappy implanted a few days behind Scooby, which actually goes along with what I felt around implantation time. Both the ultrasound tech and doctor said that they see this more often in FETs, and that we should not be worried at all. Of course, the infertile in me is going to worry, but I am not as worried as I would have thought. I am feeling much better emotionally. Physically, I am not feeling the best, but that makes me happy and helps contribute to feeling better emotionally.

I am still having some computer issues, so I have not been able to post pics yet. However, I will try to figure something out soon.


  1. omg, love it! scooby and scrappy! so cute. glad to hear they are both doing great!

    happy that you're in a great place emotionally. hoping the physical stuff subsides, but i know it's comforting at the same time.

    thinking of you!

  2. Yay! I'm so excited that you heard two heartbeats! Isn't that the most amazing sound ever?! :-)

  3. Great news! Here's hoping your two little beans are in it for the long haul. Take care!

  4. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  5. Love reading the good news!! And those names are great!!!! :)

  6. Congrats on the twins!

  7. awesome news! Nothing below average about twins!!! I'm so excited for you!
