Wednesday, June 23, 2010


- I am going to apologize for this post and the hopefully several to come that are in bullet form. I have so many posts that are swirling in my head all the time, that I never get out. I am thinking about it too much instead of just doing it. I know when I first started to work out I started small to build the habit and maybe I can do the same with writing. Better to do something than nothing, I guess. So, it is bullets for now.

- I overdid it this weekend and I am paying the price. I helped a friend get ready for her 1 year old's party all day Friday. Then attended the party on Saturday. Sunday we had a party for one of my close friend's 40th birthday at our new house (that we have not moved into yet). All parties were great. However, the Sunday party was a little stressful because it rained a lot and it was an outdoor party because we have not moved in. Plus, we just refinished the floors, so inside was not an option. Luckily, we were able to pull together several tents and built two different fires. Needless to say, it was too much for this pregnant girl. I am not the party girl I used to be and it isn't necessarily the lack of alcohol.

- I woke up Monday with a sore throat and bad headache. However, with a little accupuncture and lots of Vitamin C, I am feeling a bit better.

- Prior to being pregnant, I worked out about 4 or 5 times a week and ate fairly well. Pregnancy has reverted me back to my 18 year old carefree habits. I hardly ever work out and my diet could be better. I am trying, but it is just not happening. I read the other day that she can now taste what I am eating and it will form her preferences. My carefree ways need to change. I am going to put it out there though that I am going to work out at least 3 times this week. I find that if I am more active, I start to make better food choices. I will keep you posted.

- I have been feeling some movement for about two or three weeks. Some days I feel more than others, and I freak out if I think it has been too long. Sometimes I jiggle my stomach to wake her up to move. If I were her, I would be highly annoyed and wouldn't do it just to prove a point to my annoying mother.

- I watched Tori Spelling and Dean McDermont on Ellen DeGenress show today. They were trying to be funny by talking about farting and nipples. Ellen clearly thought they were stupid and it made me laugh.

- Speaking of really bad TV, I cannot stop myself from watching anything and everything Real Housewives. Please, I need an intervention. Maybe I should start working out instead. I don't know, just a thought.

Hope everyone is doing well and I hope to be around a bit more!


  1. So good to get an update from you! I am a TOTAL Real Houswives-a-holic too! I can't help myself.

  2. It is great to hear an update! I am glad you are feeling better. ow about working out while you watch Real Housewives so then you would not need intervention and could enjoy a guilty pleasure at the same time?

  3. PS. That should say How about.... instead of ow about? Sorry!

  4. Great to read your updates! Don't leave it too long until the next one!!

  5. I am delurking to say hello and that I've been following you since your FET; my FET was a little after yours and reading your blog gave me hope :)
    I TOTALLY hear you on the Real Housewives addiction, I have no idea what has gotten into me! I guess their drama makes my life seem somewhat normal, which these days is welcomed.
    I love your updates, keep them coming!

  6. You know if we got real housewives here in Cairo I think I would so watch it. I can watch it online I guess, but I don't dare, lest I become like you girl! Yeah for good parties. I am waiting to feel movement, I may have felt some, although I am not sure how it should feel. Good to see an update my friend. xoxoxo
